Finding Rhythm: A Journey Through the Musical Brain created by Dr. Jessica Phillips-Silver

Finding Rhythm: A Journey Through the Musical Brain created by Dr. Jessica Phillips-Silver
10/28/2022, 11:00 AM 1:30 PM
The Kennedy Center Family Theater

Friday, October 28, 2022
Finding Rhythm: A Journey Through the Musical Brain created by Dr. Jessica Phillips-Silver
Location: The Kennedy Center Family Theater
Noon (performance is 50 minutes long)
Bus Pick-up: 11:00 am
Bus Return: 1:30 pm
For whom: 3rd-5th grade students
Curricular ties: Digital learning materials will be provided.
Cost: FREE

The children’s musical, Finding Rhythm: A Journey Through the Musical Brain, premieres on October 28, 2022, at noon. It takes a journey through the musical brain with Mother Dance, Father Rhythm, and the Curious Scientist! D.C.’s own Go-Go music and brain science come together for this lively show that’ll have kids singing and dancing to the beat. Learn the origins of human rhythm, how rhythm grows the brain, and where children find the source of their power AND connection. Music neuroscientist and show creator Dr. Jessica Phillips-Silver (former SSMA parent and board member) draw together a team of master musicians and teaching artists to tell this powerful, unifying story. This isn’t the Mozart Effect—it’s the Go-go Effect!

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